Frequently Asked Questions on Skincare

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  1. Why Commercially manufactured soaps are not the best for skin?
    • There are different skin types and the effect of soap is not the same for all.
    • One of the biggest problems with commercially mass produced bar soaps is that they have a very high pH.
    • On use, if your skin feels tight and looks dehydrated, then you could conclude that the high pH is affecting your skin.
    • Some soaps tend to leave a remainder on your skin. This will further make the matters worse.
    • Some bar soaps could cause acne
    • Some bar soaps could inflame skin
    • Commercially manufactures soaps found to be having Parabens, Phthalates, petrochemicals, synthetic perfume, artificial colours which are harmful
  2. What are Natural Soaps made with?
    • Essential oils
    • Healthy oils
    • Fragrance oils
    • Organic bio-degradable ingredients for flavour
  3. What are the different types of soaps
    • Glycerin Soap
    • Cold Process Soap
    • Whipped Cream Soap
  4. What are the different skin types?
    • Oily skin
    • Dry skin
    • Regular skin
    • Sensitive skin
  5. Which is the most skin-friendly soap?
    • Whipped Cream Soap with its softness and butter like texture pampers your skin

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